Academy of Economics and FInance Constitution
Effective February 11, 2000
The Academy
of Economics and Finance is a professional association dedicated to the
furtherance of economics and finance knowledge, practice, and image.
The Academy supports economics and finance advancement through the
functions of teaching, research, and service.
Operating Philosophy of the Academy
operating philosophy of the Academy of Economics and Finance makes it
distinctive among similar academic bodies. The will of the membership
ensures a climate of: (1) friendly collegiality, (2) mutual respect,
and (3) conscientious participation.
I: Name
The name
of this professional association is the Academy of Economics and
II: Object
The object
of this Academy is: (1) to establish and maintain an Academy interested
in the studies of economics and finance; (2) to further the systemic
knowledge in these areas by facilitating research, instruction, and
publication; (3) to examine the impact of political, social, and
psychological actions as they impinge upon economics and finance; and
(4) to conduct such other activity as may be appropriate for a
professional society intending to promote understanding of economics
and finance.
accomplish this Object, the Academy is prepared to cooperate with other
professional associations having similar missions.
III: Membership
There shall
be four categories of membership in the Academy of Economics and
1: Regular Membership
membership is open to all individuals who support the Mission of the
Academy. Regular membership entitles the individual to participate in
discussion and to vote on all Academy matters requiring formal decision.
2: Emeritus Membership
with at least ten years of regular membership may be accorded emeritus
membership on retirement. Regular membership does not have to be
continuous to qualify an individual. Emeritus membership is a
non-voting membership which carries all other benefits of Academy
3: Student Membership
Students at
regionally accredited institutions of higher learning may be accorded
non-voting membership,
4: Honorary Membership
nomination by the President and by vote of two-thirds of the regular
membership present at an annual meeting, an individual may be accorded
honorary membership in the Academy. Honorary membership is non-voting
and will typically be accorded to a non-member who has rendered
significant service, attained substantial status, or achieved
remarkable accomplishment in a way that exceptional Academy recognition
would be appropriate.
IV: Meetings
1: Annual Meetings
An annual
meeting will be held at such time and such place as determined by the
Executive Board. The President-Elect and Program Chair will notify each
member of such meeting at least sixty days in advance, usually by means
of Call for Participation flyers. At these meetings, at least twenty
regular members present and voting will constitute a quorum and a
majority of those regular members who are present will be necessary for
decisions. The President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Editor of
the Journal of Economics and Finance, and the Editor
of the Newsletter will present reports at the annual meeting.
2: Special Meetings
meetings may be called by the President, with concurrence of the
Executive Board, for extraordinary reasons which must be addressed
prior to the next annual meeting. The President will determine the time
and place for such a meeting. The Secretary will determine if a
majority of the Executive Board concurs with the need for a special
meeting and if so, will notify each member of the time, place, and
reason for the meeting thirty days in advance. At these meetings, at
least twenty regular members voting will constitute a quorum and a
majority of those regular members who are present will be necessary for
V: Leadership
The Academy
leadership will consist of six elected officers, eight elected
directors, one board, and three identified committees. Overall
responsibility for the Academy and its activities rests with the
regular (voting) membership.
1: President
President has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that the Academy
fulfills its Mission and Object. The President will preside at the
annual and special meetings, as well as at meetings of the Executive
Board, and will appoint committees as appropriate. The President serves
a one-year term and is not eligible for another term.
2: President-Elect and Program Chair
President-Elect and Program Chair will perform the duties of President
should the President not be able to do so and has responsibility for
organizing and presenting the annual meeting. The President-Elect
succeeds to the office of President without election. The
President-Elect and Program Chair serves a one-year term and is not
eligible for election to another term. The President-Elect and Program
Chair is authorized to accept appropriate program advertisements and
other appropriate revenue-generating opportunities to defray expenses
of organizing and presenting the annual meeting.
President-Elect and Program Chair will distribute a Call for
Participation in advance of the annual meeting, normally during the
summer period, and be responsible for preparing and finalizing the
entire program for this meeting. The President-Elect and Program Chair
will also oversee all aspects of the annual meeting.
3: First Vice President
The First
Vice President will perform the duties of the President-Elect and
Program Chair should that officer not be able to do so. The First Vice
President should monitor the show/no show rate of presenters and
discussants at the annual meeting. The First Vice President also
assists the President-Elect and Program Chair in arranging the annual
meeting. The First Vice President serves a one-year term and is not
eligible for reelection.
4: Second Vice President
The Second
Vice President will perform the duties of the First Vice President
should that officer not be able to do so and has responsibility for
developing and maintaining programs for retention and recruitment of
members. The Second Vice President serves a one-year term and is not
eligible for re-election.
5: Secretary
Secretary maintains the membership directory, ascertains Executive
Board majority support for calling a special meeting, ensures that all
notices (including nominations for elective office) are duly given,
records minutes of meetings, validates votes at membership meetings and
Executive Board meetings, conducts non-financial correspondence for the
Academy, and maintains the Academy archives. The Secretary serves a
four-year term and is eligible for re-election.
6: Treasurer
Treasurer maintains custody of Academy funds; maintains the financial
records of the Academy; ensures the non-profit, tax exempt status of
the Academy; conducts financial correspondence for the Academy; and
provides archival financial records to the Secretary. The Treasurer
serves a four-year term and is eligible for re-election.
7: Directors
There will
be eight elected directors representing an appropriate geographic
cross-section of the membership with no more than two directors being from the
same state. Directors have responsibility for maintaining contact with
members and understanding members' collective opinions on Academy
issues. Directors are expected to have closest contact with members
and, therefore, to have the greatest influence on members' support and
participation. Directors will be elected to four-year terms which are
staggered in such a way that two directors' terms expire at each annual
8: Terms of Office
Terms for
elected officers begin with adjournment of the annual meeting.
9: Vacancies
in elected positions will be filled by the President for the period
remaining before the next annual meeting. Elections at annual meetings
to fill unexpired terms are for the remaining portion of the terms only.
10: Executive Board
Executive Board has executive authority to take action on behalf of the
membership between annual meetings. A quorum for decisions will be six
voting members. Actions taken must be reported at the next annual
meeting. The Executive Board consists of the President,
President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and the
eight directors. The Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of the Journal of
Economics and Finance, Editor of the Newsletter, and the four most recent
past presidents are also members of the Executive Board. By two-thirds
vote (no less than eight votes) of the present and voting membership of
the Executive Board, as validated by the Secretary, the duties of any
officer, director, or agent of the Academy may be reassigned for cause.
Such action must be reported at the next annual or special meeting when
the membership of the Academy will take action deemed necessary.
11: Nominating Committee
President-Elect will appoint a Nominating Committee composed of the
President as Chair and two past presidents. The Nominating Committee
will solicit nominations for the elected positions to be filled at the
ensuing annual meeting and provide a slate of nominations to the
Secretary. The Secretary will distribute the slate of nominations to
the regular membership no less than sixty days prior to the annual
meeting during which the positions will be filled. Initial nominations
for elective office will be by a slate of nominations from the
Nominating Committee. During the election agenda item at the annual
meeting, floor nominations are solicited.
12: Site Selection Committee
President will appoint a Site Selection Committee to recommend to the
membership, with the concurrence of the Executive Board, a date and
city for the annual meeting two years out. At the appropriate time, the
Site Selection Committee may recommend to the Executive Board the
suggested location and the facilities (hotel, convention center, etc.)
at which the annual meeting two years out may be held.
13: Local Arrangements Committee
President will appoint a Local Arrangements Committee which will be
responsible for coordinating the physical facilities, supplies,
arrangements, and other necessaries for presentation of the program of
the annual meeting. The Chair of the Committee is authorized to
financially commit the Academy within the constraints defined by the
Treasurer. The Chair of the Committee is authorized to appropriately
rent space, to accept appropriate contributions, to receive appropriate
fees, and to take advantage of other appropriate revenue-generating
opportunities in order to defray expenses in presenting the annual
14: Presidential Authority
President has the authority to task individuals, to establish
committees, to represent the membership, and to take other appropriate
actions for such reasons as will further accomplishment of the Mission
and Object of the Academy.
By-Laws and Special Rules
VI: By-Laws and Special Rules
1: By-Laws
Executive Board has authority to establish By-Laws in order to codify
activities necessary for implementing this Constitution.
2: Special Rules
membership may adopt Special Rules to address special circumstances.
The Special Rules may not conflict with this Constitution and will take
precedence over any By-Laws adopted by the Executive Board.
VII: Dues
membership of the Academy will consider dues as deemed appropriate.
Changes in dues will be addressed only at annual or special meetings
and must receive two-thirds approval of the voting membership who are
present. All dues are payable in advance. Members in arrears of dues
for more than six months will be dropped from membership. Differences
in dues are authorized for the different categories of membership
defined in Article III.
Parliamentary Authority
VIII: Parliamentary Authority
The rules
contained in Roberts' Rules of Order will govern the
proceedings of the Academy, except in such cases as are covered by the
Constitution, By-Laws, and Special Rules. The President, or presiding
officer, will appoint a Parliamentarian at each meeting of the
membership and of the Executive Board.
IX: Recognition
The Academy
will recognize individual excellence as a means of accomplishing the
Mission and Object. Five forms of recognition are available. An
individual may be accorded more than one of the forms of recognition.
1: Fellow of the Academy of Economics and Finance
The highest
form of Academy recognition is that of Fellow of the Academy of
Economics and Finance. Individuals receiving this recognition, who may
be members or non-members, will exemplify the Academy Mission and have
outstanding achievements in the Academy Object. A Fellow may be
selected, on nomination by the President, only at an annual meeting,
and only one Fellow may be selected at any annual meeting. Selection
must be by three-fourths vote of the regular members at an annual
meeting. If a President does not nominate an individual as Fellow or if
a nominee fails of three-fourths vote, then no Fellow will be selected
that year. Selection as Fellow automatically carries honorary
membership for non-members.
2: Honorary Membership
nomination by the President and by vote of two-thirds of the regular
membership present at an annual meeting, an individual may be accorded
honorary membership in the Academy. Honorary membership is non-voting
and will typically be accorded to a non-member who has rendered
significant service, attained substantial status, or achieved
remarkable accomplishment in a way that exceptional Academy recognition
would be appropriate.
3: Teaching Fellow of the Academy of Economics and Finance
nomination of the President and by two-thirds vote of the regular
membership at an annual meeting, a regular member may be accorded the
distinction of being named a Teaching Fellow of the Academy of
Economics and Finance. Nomination will be made only on documented
evidence of teaching excellence which brings credit on the Academy and
enhances accomplishment of the Mission. Only regular members with five
years of membership are eligible for nomination. Years of membership do
not need to be continuous.
4: Research Fellow of the Academy of Economics and Finance
nomination of the President and by two-thirds vote of the regular
membership at an annual meeting, a regular member may be accorded the
distinction of being named a Research Fellow of the Academy of
Economics and Finance. Nomination will be made only on documented
evidence of research excellence which brings credit on the Academy and
enhances accomplishment of the Mission. Only regular members with five
years of membership are eligible for nomination. Years of membership do
not need to be continuous.
5: Service Fellow of the Academy of Economics and Finance
nomination of the President and by two-thirds vote of the regular
membership at an annual meeting, a regular member may be accorded the
distinction of being named a Service Fellow of the Academy of Economics
and Finance. Nomination will be made only on documented evidence of
service excellence which brings credit on the Academy and enhances
accomplishment of the Mission. Only regular members with five years of
membership are eligible for nomination. Years of membership do not need
to be continuous. On completion of his term, the President of the
Academy will be accorded recognition as a Service Fellow of the Academy
of Economics and Finance by virtue of his service in the highest
elected office of the Academy.
Journal of Economics and Finance
X: Journal of Economics and Finance
The Academy
will jointly sponsor a professional journal, Journal of Economics
and Finance, with an institution of higher learning. Selection of
the jointly sponsoring institution of higher learning and/or the editor
will be made by the membership present at an annual or special meeting
on recommendation of the Executive Board. The editor of the Journal
of Economics and Finance is authorized to maintain an editorial
board, to accept appropriate advertisements to defray Journal expenses,
to solicit referees, to select printers, etc. in presenting a Journal
which enhances accomplishment of the Academy Mission and
XI: Newsletter
The Academy
will publish a professional Newsletter to keep the membership
appraised of items and issues of interest to the membership. Selection
of the editor will be made by the Executive Board on recommendation of
the President. The membership will be notified of changes in editor at
the next annual or special meeting.
J. Anderson Davis Lecture
XII: J. Anderson Davis Lecture
The primary
intellectual presentation at an annual meeting shall be by an
individual of economics and/or finance merit as selected by the
President. The lecture provided by this individual shall be known as
the J. Anderson Davis Lecture in honor of J. Anderson Davis, a
founding member and long-time supporter of the Academy. The individual
giving the
J. Anderson
Davis Lecture shall be accorded honorary membership in the Academy by
virtue of his being selected for that distinction.
XIII: Amendments
Constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of the regular members
present at an annual or special meeting. Proposed amendments may
originate from the Executive Board, or from the membership-at-large.