JEFE format

</a name=”fees”>Submission Fees

JEFE requires a submission fee of $25 from members of the Academy of Economics and Finance and $75 from non-members. The/ non-member submission fee of $75 includes, for one designated author, a one-year membership in the Academy of Economics and Finance and a one-year subscription to the Journal of Economics and Finance. Payment has to be made by check, in $US drawn on a U.S. bank. Make your check payable to the Academy of Economics and Finance. The check must be received within 10 days from the date of the electronic submission before manuscript consideration . Mail to: Frank Stephenson, Editor Journal of Economics and Finance Education Dept. of Economics Berry College Campus Box 495024 2277 Martha Berry Hwy. NW Mount Berry, GA 30149 , USA

How to Submit Electronically

As this is an electronic journal, all submissions must be submitted by email to The following guidelines must be adhered to:
Your e-mail message must contain:
  1. the name of the lead or primary author
  2. the title of your paper
  3. a statement indicating that you are not submitting simultaneously to another journal
  4. a statement that your paper has not been published in whole or part in a journal or book with an ISSN or ISBN number, respectively, and
  5. a check in the amount of the submission fee.
The e-mail should include your manuscript in the following two separate Microsoft Word attachments, with DOC extensions:
  1. A copy of the manuscript (see: How to prepare your manuscript for initial review), including author information.
  2. An otherwise identical copy of the manuscript except with the author information excluded.
Remember, the two attachments to your e-mail need to be in Microsoft Word format, with DOC extensions, with all links and graphics intact for simple editorial conversion to PDF format. If you have questions on how to submit electronically, please contact the editorial office at

How to Prepare your Manuscript for Initial Review

    1. Cover Page The cover page contains the paper title, the author(s), their affiliation, and a maximum of five key words. The cover page also provides complete correspondence information:
      1. postal addresses,
      2. telephone and fax numbers, and, in particular,
      3. e-mail addresses.
    1. The Body of Your Paper Page One: The Abstract The first page of the manuscript for review contains the title of the paper, the abstract and author information, no other information is to be included on the first page. Please note that the abstract must not exceed 100 words!Page Two: The Text The second page of the manuscript for review is the beginning of the text and includes the title of the paper but no author information. The body of the text is to be double spaced. All pages except the abstract page are numbered consecutively at the bottom of the page. The references are inserted after the main body of the paper. They are followed by appendices, tables (one per page), and figures (one per page). All material has to be part of the paper. Separate files for figures, tables, or other material are not acceptable.Notes that are designed to help the reviewer in his/her evaluation of the paper should be placed at the very end of the paper. These notes should be labeled NOTES TO REVIEWERS. They will not be published. In the case of papers containing complicated mathematics, these notes may detail the mathematical derivations. For empirical papers, the notes may consist of the key command files that are used to manipulate the data and to generate the results. Please note that if your paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to revise the above format (see How to Revise Your Paper That Has Positive Peer-Reviewed Remarks).
  1. General Considerations in Preparing the Manuscript Avoid typographical errors; missing pages; inconsistent footnotes, headings, or references; and other similar blunders. They communicate to the reader that the paper was prepared hastily. Remember that the time of referees is valuable. They do not want to be bothered with papers that are half finished. They want to read the final draft, not the first one. Therefore, the editorial office will not start the refereeing process for papers that give the impression of being slapped together with little care. Authors of such papers will be notified and given the opportunity to resubmit or to withdraw.Most referees determine whether they like a paper or not during the first fifteen minutes of reading it. Often, they spend this time concentrating on the introduction and the conclusion sections as well as the list of references. If these sections of your paper are weak and if your paper gives the impression of being put together sloppily, most referees will conclude that this is indicative of your whole paper. In most cases, they will lose interest at this point and recommend rejection without wasting their time going over the main body of your paper. This means that you will need to spend a very considerable amount of time perfecting your introduction, conclusion, and reference sections. You should also make sure that your paper has a professional look. A typewriter font, a large number of tables, tables with missing horizontal lines, missing page numbers, and the like, do not give the paper a professional look. Without a professional look, your paper has hardly any chance of getting published.The editorial office will remove the cover page before papers are sent on to the referees. This is done to allow for double-blind refereeing. Authors are urged to avoid anything that undercuts the idea of double-blind refereeing. The main body must not contain anything that may reveal the identity of the author(s). This includes, inter alia, the citation of one’s own working papers or forthcoming books or articles and an unreasonable number of self-citations. References to working papers and forthcoming publications can be added once an article has been accepted for publication but not before. Papers that do not strictly adhere to the spirit of these standards are not sent out to the referees. The editorial office will give the author(s) the chance to resubmit or to withdraw. Omit all information on how many times the paper has been revised, when and where it was presented, and who provided comments, encouragement, and so forth. Keep the paper as concise as possible by sticking to the main point. There are few referees who will want to report on an article that contains more than 20 pages of text. Manuscripts in excess of 25 pages are not acceptable!! Think carefully about the number of tables and figures you need. Often, tables can be combined and cut in size. Include figures only when they are essential. Use footnotes rather than endnotes to make the paper easier to read. Finally, it is highly recommended that anyone new or relatively new to the publication process read what Professor Choi of Iowa State University has to say on getting articles published. His comments and suggestions are based on many years of experience both as an author and as editor of the Review of International Economics: How to Publish in Top Journals. Another good source of information on how to get published is provided by Professor Starbuck of New York University’s Stern School of Business.

When and How to Contact the Editorial Office

If you are waiting for the referees’ comments If you have not heard from the editorial office for two months after the submission of your paper has been acknowledged, you should send an e-mail message to inquire about the status of your paper. Please do not send letters or call. If you have received a rejection Please refrain from calling the editorial office of JEFE immediately after you have received a rejection letter. Think carefully about why your paper was rejected. Is your point not made clearly enough? Is your presentation inadequate? Does your paper give the overall impression of being slapped together without much care? Are there serious logical or other flaws in your paper? Is its contribution to the literature marginal at best? Does your paper contain unsubstantiated opinion? Only if you find that there is absolutely no good reason for the paper’s rejection should you consider sending an e-mail to the editorial office. Again, please do not call. Write down your comments in detail. This will help to clarify your thinking. No action will be taken by the editorial office unless you follow these rules. Also, you cannot expect any action if your paper was rejected because more than one referee has misread your intentions, methodology, or results. Remember that it is up to you, not the editors, to convince the referees that your paper is worthy of publication.

How to Revise your Paper that has Positive Peer-Reviewed Remarks

    1. The time limit for resubmission is 90 days from the date of JEFE’s notice to you.
    1. Please advise the editorial office within a week or two whether you will revise and resubmit or whether you will try a different journal instead. In deciding whether you should resubmit or whether you should try a different journal, it may be helpful to look at a list of journals in economics and finance, (which may or may not accept economic and finance education articles, such as Economics Journal on the Web and WebEc, or at a list of finance, management, and marketing journals, available from biz/ed.
    1. If you have an important question concerning your revision, you may e-mail the editorial office. All questions need to be in a form such that they can be answered with yes or no. Do not try to make referees explain their decisions or engage in any type of ongoing dialogue.
    1. If you decide to revise, please give the paper sufficient attention. Most likely, this will be your last chance to get accepted by JEFE.
  1. When you resubmit, please indicate that this is a revision to previous peer reviewed remarks and include a detailed description of what the referees asked you to change and how you responded to their requests. Remember, the attached revision of your e-mail must be in Microsoft Word format, with DOC extensions, with all links and graphics intact for simple editorial conversion to PDF format.

Journal Style for Accepted Manuscripts

Initial submissions must follow the JEFE style and submitted in the following format. Authors who do not strictly adhere to these standards will be asked to resubmit. This may delay the publication of the article. Organize the sections of your paper as follows: (a) abstract, (b) main body, (c) references, (d) appendices. Author information and acknowledgments are provided as a footnote to the authors name. Use footnotes rather than endnotes. Insert tables where they belong in the text and attach figures at the end or in separate files.
    1. Set the title of the article in Times Roman 20 point bold italic, left justified. Below the title, write the names of the authors (first name, last name) in 12 point bold italic, left justified.
    1. The text of the abstract must be in Times Roman 10 point, centered, and fully justified. Use two and a quarter inch left and right margins. Center, capitalize, and bold the heading of the abstract. Do not exceed 100 words for the abstract.
  1. For the main text, use Times Roman 10 point, single spacing, with all text fully justified. Leave only one space between sentences, not two! Set left and right margins to one and a quarter inch, top and bottom margins to one inch. Indent new paragraphs 0.2 inches from the left margin.Subheadings need to be set up as follows: (a) first-level, centered, bold in 12 point, first letter of main words capitalized, not numbered; (b) second-level, centered, bold and italic in 11 point, first letter of main words capitalized, not numbered; and (c) third-level, flush left, bold and italic in 10 point, first letter of main words capitalized. Double space before all subheadings and after first- and second-level subheadings.All references to books, articles, monographs, etc., should be identified at the appropriate point in the text by last name of author and year of publication, e.g. (Author 1994). Add page numbers when ideas are used or words are quoted, e.g., (Author 1997, pp. 123-124). When an author’s name is used as part of the text, set only the date in parentheses, with page number if necessary, e.g., Author (1997) and Author (1997, pp. 123-124). If more than one work by the same author is cited for the same year, use a, b, etc. behind the year, e.g., Dixon (1990a). Include a comma before the last item in a series, e.g., travel by car, rail, and bus. All variable names that appear in the text need to be italicized to separate them from the text.
  2. Other font settings: a. Information on authors should be set at 8 b. Notes at the bottom of tables should be set at 8 c. Footnotes should be set at 8
  3. All page headers will be identified as:JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE EDUCATION is to be centered and italicized, <∙> Volume <∙> Number <∙> Summer 2014 [page numbers, the correct volume number, correct edition and correct year will be entered by the Managing Editor on final format]. The header font is to be set at 10 and italicized.
  4. Indent each footnote by 0.2 inches from the left margin. Use single spacing and leave one blank line between the footnotes. Do not start a new page. Keep the text in all footnotes to a minimum. Bullets, indents, elaborate equations or formulas, and long explanations are not acceptable in footnotes.
  5. List all items cited by author in alphabetical order in a separate section entitled References. Do not use indents, and do not number the references. Refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition for the style to be used. When possible, the reference section uses full author names. Names of first authors are represented as Last, First Middle Initial, and subsequent author names as First Middle Initial Last with an “and” preceding the last author. The references are sorted by Author + Year + Title and make use of a letter after year to distinguish citations of the same author in the same year, e.g. 1978a, 1978b. Journal articles, books, and book sections are referenced as follows: Journal Articles: Engle, Robert F., David M. Lilien, and Russell P. Robins. 1987. “Estimating Time Varying Risk Premia in the Term Structure: The ARCH-M Model.” Econometrica 55: 391-407.Books: Fama, Eugene F. 1976. Foundations of Finance. New York: Basic Books. Book Sections: Geweke, John.  1977. “The Dynamic Factor Analysis of Economic Time- series Models.” In Latent Variables in Socioeconomic Models, edited by Dennis J. Aigner and Arthur S. Goldberg. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  6. Center, capitalize, and bold the heading of the appendix or appendices. Do not start a new page. All tables are to be placed in the body of the text where they are discussed. Do not place tables at the end of the manuscript. Tables need to be in the style used, inter alia, by the American Economic Review/Journal of Economic Perspectives. There are no vertical lines anywhere in the table. Minimize the number of tables. Make every effort to combine tables. This can often be done by presenting regression results in columnar form (one column for each regression equation). It is highly recommended to insert a table with variable definitions and data sources, and possibly basic statistics, as Table 1. The same variable names should be used throughout, including in the tables. Please use variable names that make some sense and only capitalize the first character of your variable names. Make sure your table columns are aligned by the decimal points of the estimated coefficients or key variables. Use a table editor or tabs. Do not use simple spaces. To report regression results, do not use very large or very small numbers and E-format (e.g., -0.1E-08). Please rescale your variables and run your regressions again to generate coefficients of a similar size!! The scaling of your variables can be conveniently reported in Table 1 – Definitions of Variables (see above). Keep the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to a minimum (no more than three) and the same for all coefficients — again, rescale your variables to make this possible. Use the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point for all coefficients. Use the same internal consistency for all t- values, etc. T-values must not have more than two digits to the right of the decimal point. Use probability values whenever possible (again no more than three digits to the right of the decimal point). This avoids the need for stars in addition to t-values!! If you use stars to indicate significance, use one star for 5 or 10 percent and two stars for 1 percent, not the other way around! The coefficient of multiple determination should be reported with three digits to the right of the decimal point. Each regression equation needs to have a sufficient number of statistical adequacy tests reported to make the results believable (autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, reset for functional form, chow, cusum, etc.). Use probability values (p-values) to report statistical significance on these tests. Do not use the same explanatory symbol next to each number in column or row, such as %; rather put the explanation into the column heading or the row label. You may divide your table into sections, but do not separate sections with a horizontal line; use a heading in italic to indicate a new section within a table.Explanatory notes appear at the bottom of the table, below a horizontal line, and not at the top of the table!! The word Notes precedes the table notes and has to be set in italic. Do not start each note on a new line, but write all notes consecutively on the same line, separating them by semicolon or colon. Do not repeat variable definitions in notes and do not repeat equations in notes. Refer to the text or other tables if there is a need. Notations, such as [Table I about here], have to be inserted in the body of the text to indicate the approximate location of tables. Until the journal develops a history of publications, potential authors may wish to review the Journal of Economics and Finance for style and format. Concerning figures, headings and notes need to be in the same style as those for tables. Do not use shading for your figures. Use line charts whenever possible, not bar charts. Make sure that different lines can be identified when they are printed in black and white. Use different line styles (e.g., solid, broken, thick, thin) for different series, but do not use line markers. The general rule for manuscripts accepted for publication have to be submitted in MS Word format.
  7. You need to send a filled out and signed copyright transfer form. Copyright Transfer Form Please fill out the form from within your Acrobat PDF Reader. You can use the Reader to type the paper’s title and your name in the appropriate spaces. Then print out the form, sign it, date it, and send it along with the hard copy of your paper and your diskette. All authors need to sign the same form.
  8. Before a journal issue is printed, all authors receive galley proofs. The proof will be sent via e-mail in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Please make sure your e-mail address is functioning and check your e-mail for incoming mail. Please read the article very carefully! This is your last chance to make corrections. All corrections need to be back at the editorial office within two weeks. If you are out of town or out of the country, please make sure you leave an e-mail address. Please mark up the galley proof and return by email. This will be the last time you will see it until it is posted on the web.
Copyright Transfer Form